Osteopathic medicine is a practice that involves manipulation of the structures of the body – the joints, muscles, and spine – to improve general health. It is a branch of medicine that is built on the premise that all of the body’s systems are interconnected, and that effective treatment of specific issues requires a full-body approach. Osteopathy involves drug-free, non-invasive treatments and is frequently used in concert with traditional medicine.
Prior to your appointment, you should be prepared to discuss your symptoms and medical history, as well as what you hope to accomplish through osteopathic treatment. It may help you to take notes during your appointment, as your doctor will make specific recommendations that it may help you to record. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to bring them up with your doctor.
Osteopathic medicine can address a wide range of disorders including arthritis, repetitive stress injuries, neuralgia, headaches, postural problems, and back pain. While osteopathy’s focus is on the muscles and joints, it can also help improve digestive, circulatory, and other types of health.
During your first appointment, your doctor will perform a physical exam and go over your symptoms and medical history. You will be asked to perform some stretches and poses in order to evaluate your health and diagnose any issues or problem areas. They will then make initial recommendations for a treatment plan, which will be modified to meet your needs over time. Treatment methods can include manual muscle and joint manipulation, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.
Following your initial appointment, you will check in regularly with your doctor of osteopathy to evaluate your progress. Over time you and your doctor will get a sense of what has and hasn’t been helpful, and make modifications to your treatment plan accordingly.
Osteopathic medicine is generally very safe and, while any given treatment plan has a chance of being ineffective, most methods used by osteopathic physicians have a minimal risk of harmful side effects.